5 Things You Never Knew About Invoice Finance

The fact that contract placements depend on the candidate being paid by the agency before the client makes payment means there is a strong market for Funding For Recruitment Agencies.

However, if your own organisation has previously considered invoice finance only to dismiss it on the basis of certain misconceptions, it’s worth bearing in mind some of these often overlooked facts about invoice finance.

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1 It’s widely used by recruitment agencies

Research indicates that more than a sixth of recruiters are using some form of finance against their sales invoices, which equates to 20 times the national average of businesses across the sectors. With companies like TBOS also on hand to assist your business with its invoice finance set up, it’s now a very much mainstream source of funding for recruitment agencies.

2 You don’t necessarily need to give personal guarantees

While invoice finance providers often ask for personal guarantees, depending on the circumstances, they may limit the value of them or simply accept a fraud warranty. The latter means that you will only be liable in the event of committing a fraud.

3 It’s more affordable than you might think

Even the expense of funding against all of your invoices for a year can be as low as 2,000 or so, or you could always just select and pay for whatever individual invoices you would like to have funded. There doesn’t necessarily need to be any obligation to fund further invoices.

4 Even a bad credit history need not be a barrier

One of the best things about invoice finance for recruitment agencies is that it is the strength of the firm’s sales debts that determine eligibility. That means a poor credit history is less important to an invoice finance provider than your agency raising simple, straightforward credit invoices to customers, provided there is some guarantee for payment such as a signed timesheet.

Invoice finance specialists tend to look favourably upon recruitment agencies, given that they usually produce good quality receivables. Not only are the underlying transactions simple, but evidence is also provided by a clear audit trail, such as signed timesheets.

5 Both big and small agencies can use it

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One Cup of This Today Can Help Burn Your Belly Fat Like Crazy!
While you may have imagined invoice finance to be a form of funding for recruitment agencies that have been around for a while and reached a certain size, there’s no minimum size that your business needs to be if you wish to take advantage of it now.

Given that some invoice finance providers give you the option to raise finance against invoices valued at just a few hundred pounds, you might wish to try it out now – not least when you also consider the great numbers of recruitment agencies that have used it to aid their growth.

The Significance Of CPR Certification

Having certified in CPR is much more than just filling a job requirement. This training provides the student with the ability to save a human life, make the person active enough to offer instant help and make the student use an AED when the situation arises.

The Life Saving Power

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The biggest benefit of CPR training Perth is the ability to save lives when the circumstance arises. It has been seen that individuals who are able to begin instant CPR on the patients of sudden cardiac arrest could easily improve their survival rates by 40%. It is worth mentioning that a delay of 1 minute in treatment reduces the survival chances of the patient by 10%. In short, the ability of a person to deliver the CPR to the patient in the emergency situation can bring a big difference in his survival chances.

Quality Training

As it is easy to read about CPR training and get the basic perception of how it works, nothing is more crucial than getting a high-quality CPR training from a recognized institution. These practical classes can offer a hands-on experience which could play a significant role in saving a life in critical minutes. This type of knowledge is hard to expect from online or print training materials. Furthermore, the companies who do not require CPR training as a selection condition often look positively upon those who have gone through this training. In best terms, CPR certification shows the ability to deal with risky situations.


When you are certified in CPR, you automatically feel empowered. It means people who are CPR certified gains a level of confidence and so, they are able to apply this confidence in other important fields of their lives like professional or personal. The ability and knowledge of saving a life is undoubtedly a rare tool, especially for elders. Young children usually put small objects into their mouths that can easily put their life at risk and the ability to perform CPR in these situations is very empowering. Responding promptly can bring a big difference.

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One Cup of This Today Can Help Burn Your Belly Fat Like Crazy!
Knowledge of Artificial Electronic Defibrillators (AED)

After seeing the previous history of sudden cardiac arrest, many locations like gymnasiums, airports, and schools have led to the incorporation of AED devices. As using these devices are not so difficult, but having the certificate is important to operate it properly to save the lives. It is worth mentioning that an AED device cannot be used in normal situations, so one must differentiate the situation which is appropriate for using it and which is not.

Benefits of having a CPR training Perth go beyond impressing the company owners. The ability to save a life in the risky situation is empowering and makes a big difference in the life of saver and the patient.

Don’t Underestimate The Personal Touch When Recruiting

Don’t Underestimate The Personal Touch When Recruiting

The hiring process can often feel like avery soulless one. Comparing CVs and assessing the grades and qualifications of individual candidates can sometimes seem a lot more like a science than an art.

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However, by looking more carefully at the people and personalities behind those CVs, you could gain a much greater – and thereforemore valuable – insight into your candidates.

Remember That You Are In The People Business

All businesses have particular requirements – but, perhaps, in your diligent efforts to make sure that your Recruitment Practices are conducive to those requirements, you have overlooked a little something.

That something is that your company is nothing without its workers. No matter what sector your business is in and what it provides, your business has to be its people…to at least some extent.

Your television or phone, for example, has not just appeared from thin air; many people have been involvedin making it, from its initial concept and design to assembly and packaging.

Ultimately, behind every successful organisation, brand or product is a team of people, as you will soon discover when seeking to recruit new talent for your company – hence why so many hiring managers frequently cite ‘cultural fit’ as one of their uppermost priorities.

For these reasons, you could certainly be surprised by how much you learn about a candidate by thoroughly interviewing and getting to know them, rather than simply looking over a Word document entitled ‘CV’.

The Other Merits Of Getting Personal

Another advantage of deeply exploring a candidate’s personality, rather than just their paper qualifications, is the potential for spotting issues that could otherwise elude your notice.

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One Cup of This Today Can Help Burn Your Belly Fat Like Crazy!
On the flipside, you could find that some individuals who don’t immediately seem a promising fit for your company and role ‘on paper’ suddenly appear to have something invaluable to offer once you talk to them.

Such candidates could, for example, become a very useful industry contact, or prove their worth for a different vacancy of yours at a later date.

Here, we have detailed just some advice for success when it comes to Staff Recruitment In Ireland. We regularly add further tips to our blog here at Webrecruit Ireland – and we would certainly urge you to contact us if you require more tailored services and guidance related to your hiring process.

All businesses have particular requirements – but, perhaps, in your diligent efforts to make sure that your Recruitment Practices are conducive to those requirements, you have overlooked a little something. That something is that your company is nothing without its workers. No matter what sector your business is in and what it provides, your business has to be its people…to at least some extent.