Is Remote Work Going to be The New Normal? Here’s What we Know

Remote work is changing organisations functions daily. It is the latest trend adopted by the whole world due to the ongoing pandemic Novel COVID-19. Majority of the employees have already adapted to the remote work policy, and others are on the lookout for flexible options.

Wings of organisations like digital marketing, inside sales , customer service, web development, graphic design, content marketing and translation have no issues working remotely as the prerequisite for the job to be done a computer and a mobile phone.

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As the circumstances and repercussions of the pandemic are indefinite, working remotely and the tenure of it remains indefinite, so the best thing to do in this scenario is to adapt, improvise and overcome.

Is it effective?
Effectiveness of working remotely depends entirely on the organisations and how structured it is. Employees are always willing to work, and if anything working from home should be more comfortable considering the commute to the workplace is taken away. Either way, there are few cases of employees reporting loneliness which is more than common as most of us miss the morning chit chat and the whole colleague dynamics. It is one of the most important driving factors for young employees who show up to work.

Regardless of all the factors that contribute to the nay list of effective employers, employers are continually putting efforts in providing all the necessary resources and tools required for employees to get their work done daily.

Regular engagement with employees over a video call, team meetings and online resources promote healthy team functionality and

Benefits of remote work!
During this pandemic, we’ve seen a boom of remote work, whether it be conferences, team meetings, board meetings, digital engagement to a point where our prime minister recommends this method of work to be adapted by more national and multinational organisations.

Please find below the following benefits of remote work

> Life is all – stop the spread of COVID 19 by flattening the curve (Stay at home)

> comfort of home with the luxury to work flexible hours

> A total reduction of pollution caused by commuters to and from work each day

> Helps organisations use resources optimally

To sum it all up remote work can be looked at as the new future resolution to help heal a rather exploited planets

Challenges facing remote work?
There are several challenges facing remote work namely,

> The accessibility of functional internet connectivity required to work

> The diversity of one’s physical location and timezone can make it difficult for managing projects in terms of deadlines and targets

> The teamwork aspect is challenged as different people working across different locations might find it hard to collaborate into one creative stream

> Another challenge, however a bit more complicated is one to do with management, the leaders usually find it challenging to track real-time work done and hence lots of small bits of unfinished work leading to missed deadlines on bigger projects

What employees think about remote work?
It certainly has become the only source of income for many, but they are fearful of being overworked and underpaid, also with reduced productivity being a concern, they just might not be able to differentiate their work-life to home

However, some organisations have found an increase in productivity implementing remote work and have chosen the cut in pay might just diminish the spark of their new find. Hence, they have resorted to minimal cuts and providing a better experience to their employees to ensure it’s continuity

The times ahead might be difficult, but as of today, employees are striving to keep their jobs with the hope of better policies towards them

What to expect in future about remote work?

Though many complex scenarios await organisations at the fight against COVID19, we can be certain that companies still have mixed feelings about having their workforce, work from home along with concerns of productivity and meeting deadlines

However, in the long run, this can be looked at as an efficient way to optimise resources and space used by companies along with a lot of saved spendings on per resource basis, is the perfect way to give something back to the employees at hard times

In the future, remote work could also be looked at as a way to help the fight against pollution

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To conclude, this pandemic has certainly sparked a trend, remote work being the derivative of it, we can all be confident that with the end of the pandemic this trend isn’t going away. As governments around the world have seen the impact, it can have on nature.

There are challenges, like every other scenario in life but how we move around it and make it work for us in a way that it helps people indulged in remote work so as not to cut their livelihood means shorter is what will define this trend.