Flower-themed Cafe For a Great Cause

May is normally the month associated with flowers after April showers subside. But in Canada, April is an important time for one particular flower: the daffodil.

April is Daffodil Month, also known as Cancer Awareness Month in Canada. The campaign aims to help people with cancer by raising money for life-saving research, information and support services.

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Evergreen College’s Developmental Service Worker students wanted to contribute to the cause through a donation made to the charity organizing the campaign, the Canadian Cancer Society, so they set up their own daffodil-themed cafe right on campus.

From that event alone students have raised $150 for the society, with more donations coming in over the coming weeks.

The cafe sold home-made delicacies that reflected the diverse cultural background of Evergreen College’s students. Instructors and other students from the college were treated to Ethiopian spaghetti, various sandwiches and sweet treats.

The students chose to run a cafe because they believed it could raise more funds than selling flowers alone. “The number of people in the college is small, so we wouldn’t get that much profit from selling daffodil pins” says Betche. The students still wanted to nod to the flower of the month however and so called their enterprise “Daffodilian Cafe”.

“It was hard work organizing the event” admits one of the event co-ordinators, Betche Me, “But it was a great cause and everyone was very co-operative.”

As well as raising money, an important aspect of the fundraiser was for the Developmental Service Worker students to implement what they had learned in class. The fundraising model, including deciding on the products to sell, developing an advertising strategy and materials and running the event, was based off a module the students completed as part of their course earlier in the year.

But more than that, it gave students the chance to show their caring and sociable sides, which is a key trait needed in a successful developmental service worker. “It connects with our programme, that is, connecting with people and helping those people who are suffering,” says Betche.

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Their hard work paid off, with many instructors and students providing positive feedback after the cafe event.

Betche is grateful to those who donated, particularly the students who are on a tight budget but prepared food or donated anyway because they saw how valuable the cause is. The Canadian Cancer Society is a national, community-based volunteer organization that relies on donations to enhance the quality of life of people living with cancer.

Students and staff are supporting and giving their money to the people who need it most. We appreciate everyone who lent a hand.”

The Significance Of CPR Certification

Having certified in CPR is much more than just filling a job requirement. This training provides the student with the ability to save a human life, make the person active enough to offer instant help and make the student use an AED when the situation arises.

The Life Saving Power

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The biggest benefit of CPR training Perth is the ability to save lives when the circumstance arises. It has been seen that individuals who are able to begin instant CPR on the patients of sudden cardiac arrest could easily improve their survival rates by 40%. It is worth mentioning that a delay of 1 minute in treatment reduces the survival chances of the patient by 10%. In short, the ability of a person to deliver the CPR to the patient in the emergency situation can bring a big difference in his survival chances.

Quality Training

As it is easy to read about CPR training and get the basic perception of how it works, nothing is more crucial than getting a high-quality CPR training from a recognized institution. These practical classes can offer a hands-on experience which could play a significant role in saving a life in critical minutes. This type of knowledge is hard to expect from online or print training materials. Furthermore, the companies who do not require CPR training as a selection condition often look positively upon those who have gone through this training. In best terms, CPR certification shows the ability to deal with risky situations.


When you are certified in CPR, you automatically feel empowered. It means people who are CPR certified gains a level of confidence and so, they are able to apply this confidence in other important fields of their lives like professional or personal. The ability and knowledge of saving a life is undoubtedly a rare tool, especially for elders. Young children usually put small objects into their mouths that can easily put their life at risk and the ability to perform CPR in these situations is very empowering. Responding promptly can bring a big difference.

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Knowledge of Artificial Electronic Defibrillators (AED)

After seeing the previous history of sudden cardiac arrest, many locations like gymnasiums, airports, and schools have led to the incorporation of AED devices. As using these devices are not so difficult, but having the certificate is important to operate it properly to save the lives. It is worth mentioning that an AED device cannot be used in normal situations, so one must differentiate the situation which is appropriate for using it and which is not.

Benefits of having a CPR training Perth go beyond impressing the company owners. The ability to save a life in the risky situation is empowering and makes a big difference in the life of saver and the patient.

The Knowledge of Embedded Systems Can Provide You Better Career Opportunities

An embedded course has helped a lot in the development of the world with the latest technology. The course is helpful in sharing the latest knowledge of the embedded technology among the technocrats. After attending this course, a candidate learns to develop embedded systems.


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An embedded system is an association of software and hardware i.e., an embedded system is the output of developing a hardware device with the help of hardware and software technology. An embedded system device is capable to of processing the hardware and software activities simultaneously. By using this technology, a device can be developed as a multitasking device to work, organize, and perform single or multiple tasks according to the predefined rules in the programming. The role of hardware in an embedded system is to establish a combination with the software, and the role of software is to execute the program and deliver the desired performance. Hence, in a developed embedded system or device all the units assemble and work together following the instructions of pre prepared program.

We can name numerous products that are the examples of an embedded system like Mobile phones, computers, washing machine, printers, automatic camera, etc. These devices perform according to the predefined instructions, and instructions are written in the form of a program using programming languages. The hardware parts that help the software to integrate with the device are known as microprocessors, microcontrollers, processors, motherboard, etc.

These helping devices play a vital role in running the embedded device smoothly with the help of their characteristics. The main characteristics system device are:

• Speed

• Size

• Power

• Reliability

• Accuracy

• Adaptability

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Hence, when an embedded system functions at a high speed, then it can be used for daily life and real-time applications, that’s why it is important to maintain the balance level of the characteristics to become a better performer device.

There are huge options of career in the in this domain if a candidate becomes a master of this technology. It is an evergreen technology that is capable to provide you better options of job in the future too, if you join and complete embedded systems certification courses.

Multisoft Virtual Academy is a training and certification organization, which is known for delivering embedded online courses over the globe.